Sunday, February 22, 2009

Merlins nesting in downtown Ithaca NY in 2006

I was listening to Martyn Stewart's blog of Merlins in Seattle. My memory went back to our own Merlins nesting near Schulyer House, close to downtown Ithaca. I got curious to see what kind of sounds they were making and what was surrounding sound scape. Did the traffic noise affect them or did their presence had affect on other local nesting birds? Listen to a clip of their sounds, male and female talking back and forth and it seems no other birds were generally affected. Cardinal was doing his song, House Sparrows that were main food of Merlins, also seemed blissfully unaware of their being around as you can hear a male sparrow singing. Unfortunately, I do not have merlin's pictures, so the sound is dubbed over a cardinal's picture.

Merlins are such fun creatures!

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